Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Giggity, Giggity...

Giggity, Giggity…

Periodically, we at Mistakably Premier peer into the statistics of who has been visiting (okay, it’s more like every hour!), to get an idea of where most of our traffic comes from.  It’s probably no shock that a majority of it comes from the greater Cleveland area.  Sometimes, Google will bring a visitor from some distance place like Santiago, Chile, or Seoul, South Korea, or Cincinnati, Ohio.  They quickly see that this is not the site they’re looking for, and then click off to the next site.

But every now and then, we get a flood of traffic from a particular location that peaks our interest.  For example, when 19 Action News was preparing their story, we saw traffic from Atlanta, Georgia.  Just after the announcement of Mike DeWine’s actions against UPH, we got a bunch of hits from Columbus, Ohio.  Just prior to the Ohio Attorney General re-serving papers to Mr. K in Miami, we saw a bunch of hits from Miami Beach, Florida (was that Mr. K himself doing a bit of recon?).  It’s pretty interesting to see the patterns form.

So that got us wondering, why do you come to Mistakably Premier?  What’s the draw, and why do you come back?

2012 in review

Posted: December 31, 2012 in Blogs, Non-UPH

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 16,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 4 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.

Project MOHR is No More

It just so happened that Thanksgiving Day marked the very last day of the Project MOHR fundraising campaign.  While we were all busy stuffing ourselves with turkey, turducken, or maybe even tofurky (yeck!), the clock on the Indiegogo site ticked its way down to zero, matching the amount of funds raised over the last 60 days.  Unfortunately, the cause did not garner the amount of love from the internet community as we had hoped.  But we’ll keep trying, perhaps after a few months off, and after the holidays.

Thanks to all that tried to spread the word of our cause.  We guess it just wasn’t meant to be…

Tenacious D!

Intrepid 19 Action News consumer reporter, Danielle Serino, aired another story last night on the 11 o’clock news in her quest to rid Ohio of bad contractors.  While not specifically aimed at our favorite home builder, there was quite of bit of B-roll used from her previous expose’ on Unmistakably Premier Homes, and featured one Premier Homes “customer” in particular, who’s out $15 large due to Mr. K.

Check out the video by clicking HERE!

Perhaps we should promise some Barenaked Ladies…

One week ago today, we flipped the switch on the Project MOHR’s fundraising campaign, and to this date, exactly zero dollars have been raised (cue the “Wah, wah…” Debbie-Downer trumpet).  But that was to be expected, as this campaign has just started.

What has got to happen, however, is to start spreading the word about Project MOHR, as just us talking about is like preaching to the choir.  So we’re gonna need the help of the loyal readers of Mistakably Premier, not in donations, but in word-of-mouth.  So here’s what we have to do:

1) If you have a Facebook account (and who doesn’t these days?) head on over to the site that’s hosting the campaign, and click on the little “Like” button.  The more “Likes” a campaign has, the more Indiegogo will feature it, and the more visitors will see it.  The same goes for Tweets if you’re hip to that jive…

Two Easy Steps…

2) Don’t be shy about letting your friends on Facebook know about Project MOHR.  Share the link to the campaign by posting it once in a while on your Facebook wall.

3) Remember that shampoo commercial a few decades back?  You know, the one where Heather Locklear was so impressed with the way her shampoo makes her feathered hair all poofy, that she told two friends, then they told two friends, and so on, and so on and…  Well, that’s what we’ll have to do as well.  Let your friends and co-workers know about Project MOHR, and how they can help pass the word.  We’re not looking to get contributions from all of them, just the publicity.

Wayne tells two friends, and then they tell two friends, and so on, and so on…

It’s not like we don’t have a lot of time still, 53 days to be exact… But let’s see if we can meet our goals early.

Oh, and if you really do want to contribute, that’s fine too!

Project MOHR is Live

Posted: September 23, 2012 in Blogs, Project MOHR
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Project MOHR – It’s ALIVE!

After a long development period, we have finally taken the wraps off of our latest endeavour – Project MOHR is a go!  Take some time to explore the new site at, and then share with all your friends and neighbors!  The only way this will be successful will be if you help spread the word.  The more people that hear about Project MOHR, the better the chances we’ll be able to raise the money to help everyone Unmistakably Premier Homes has wronged!

Recall, Project MOHR’s goal is to bring Mike Holmes here to our area to help make our homes right.  We plan on using all the funds raised to:

  1. Fund our attempt to get Mike down here
  2. If unsuccessful, aid in  financing home owners who need to make repairs to their homes

We still need to determine the exact criteria for goal #2, and we’re open to suggestions.  One possibility may be to have all the candidates write in and then put it up to the Mistakably Premier community for a vote…

If you have any questions, let us know at, or post it in the comments below.

Remember – Share and share often!


Take That, Thigh Master!

So last night was the debut of the 19 Action News story on Unmistakably Premier Homes.

In case you missed it, click HERE to see it.

To be honest, we were a bit underwhelmed with the story, but then we realized that all of our stories could fill a whole 24 hour cable news channel, and to be fair to Danielle, she only had three and a half minutes to make her point.  Also, considering  the fact that Channel 19 is watched by more people than this scrappy old blog, we know that this story brought our plight to the attention of many many more.

So overall, we thought the story did it’s job well.  We especially enjoyed the visuals at the 1:33 mark!  What do you think?  Leave the comments below…


The House Horror – On Action 19 News Tonight!

Looks like the first teasers are out for tonight’s 19 Action News story on UPH!  Titled “The House Horror”, it blends Danielle Serino’s on-site interview with various B-roll, and the mandatory menacing announcer voice.

Link to the Video HERE

As with most teasers for the news, it’s very light on specifics, but we all know the plot!  One piece of new information – it’s confirmed that the story will run tonight on the 11 o’clock news, so set your DVRs!

Ba de ya, say do you remember
Ba de ya, dancing in September
Ba de ya, never was a cloudy daaaaaay!

After much anticipation, Danielle Serino, Action 19 News Uber-Consumer Investigative reporter (and all around awesome Salsa dancer) has let us know that an air-date for the UPH story has been set.  Make sure you all set your DVRs (or, if you aren’t hip to that tech, VCRs) to record on Thursday, September 20th, sometime between the 4:30 and 6:30 News.

Project MOHR Update

Posted: July 27, 2012 in Blogs, Project MOHR

Here’s an update with regards to Project MOHR.

The Plan

We’ve done some checking, and we think the idea might fly.  The point of all of this is to bring Mike Holmes to the Cleveland area to perform his magic on some (if not all!) of our problem homes.  Since Mike’s productions don’t stray too far outside of Ontario, here’s how we plan to get his attention, and his butt to Ohio.

  • Step 1: Ask nicely. We’ll send his production team a nice email. Cost: $0. If they refuse, then we move to…
  • Step 2: Beg. We plan to produce a dossier that contains a list of our known issues, pictures, and even a short video that will explain our problems. Then, we (and when I say “we”, I really mean “me”) will make the trek across the border via car, submit to any embarrassing questions and/or searches by the border patrol, and hand deliver the package to Mike Holmes himself (or his secretary, depends on how much security the man has). We will need to cover the expense of making the video, driving to and staying a night in Toronto, and any miscellaneous bribes that would be needed along the way. Cost: $1,500. If we get turned away (or deported), then it’s on to…
  • Step 3: Wine and Dine. If the first two steps fail to yield results, we’re prepared to woo Mike to Cleveland to convince him to help us in our struggle. This will include the purchase of a first-class round trip airline ticket in the name of Mike Holmes from Toronto to Cleveland, first-class accommodations at the luxurious Ritz-Carlton, Cleveland, for one night, exclusive limo service during his stay, a ticket to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, spending cash which may be used at the Horseshoe Casino Cleveland, located in the Historic Higbee Building, meals, as well as tours of all our homes to inspect the damage. Cost: $8,500.

While the goal of the project will be to bring Mike Holmes to the Cleveland area, we’re planning on using any superfluous funds raised to help those homeowners that have significant issues and may be in a tight bind financially.  We’re defining superfluous here as any funds raised beyond the set goal, or if Mike declines all our invitations.

The Site

We’re planning on using as the crowdfunding site, since it has a bit more liberal terms than, and seems to be the place for these type of projects.  In order to “entice” contributions, we’re planning on offering the following incentives;

  • The Dudley MOHR (see what we did there?): Contribute as little as $1, and we’ll put the contributor’s name on a “Wall of Thanks”.
  • The Roger MOHR (where do we get these names?): Contribute $007, and along with our Wall of Thanks, get a signed photo of Ryan in Toronto begging Mike to come to Cleveland.
  • The Thomas MOHR: Contribute $25, and our in-house Poet Laureate will write a short personalize poem
  • The Clayton MOHR: $50 will get the contributor a handmade Popsicle-stick and clothes-pin saw horse, painted silver, of course
  • The Demi MOHR: $100 will get the contributor all of the previous perks, plus a silicone “Construction” duck
  • The Michael MOHR: The largest contributions of $1000 or more will get you all of the above (including the Construction Duck!) plus your choice of any Mike Holmes DVD sets from Seasons 1 through 3!
The Timeline

This is where it get’s a little vague.  We’re slowly getting all the prerequisite materials gathered, which includes a short hand-made video which will basically be our sales pitch on Indiegogo.  Plus, we want to see if we can publicize the effort a bit more – perhaps with the help of our new friend Ms. Serino.  So until all of this is accomplished, we’re gonna hold off on a definite timeline.  However, we’d like to see most of this done before the end of this year – all doable if we get our act in gear – so stay tuned.  If you want to help out, let us know!