Posts Tagged ‘Kickstarter’

Let’s Make Him an Offer He Can’t Refuse

At this week’s event with Action 19 News, we joked about how some of us tried to get Mike Holmes to help out.  We all were met with varying levels of rejection, but after the cameras were packed away, our creative juices began to flow.  What if we sweetened the deal.  What if we made our plea so unrefusable (yeah, not really a word… Thanks spell checkers!), that Mike couldn’t refuse?

Enter Project MOHR – Make Our Holmes Right.

You see, there are sites out on the web that do nothing but fund projects by crowdsourcing – getting the internet community to donate at varying levels to help fund your dream.  Two examples are and  What if we, those spurned by UPH, got together, much as we did this past Monday, to form Make Our Holmes Right, with the ultimate goal of bringing Mike Holmes to our homes?

We haven’t worked out all the details quite yet, but we’re getting close.  At the very least, any monies that could potentially be raised by this effort might help defray the cost of some of our (and by “our” I mean the royal “our” as in those who need the cash the most) serious repairs.  We’d hate to be bogged down with any legal stuff (like how would we decide who got the money? or what if we didn’t raise enough? or what if Jay Mohr sues us over copyright of his name?), but this may just work.

So what do you think?  Leave your comments below….